That competitive edge you're looking for?It's hidden in a great big pile of data.
We have the experience to help you find solutions that are relevant to your role in your industry. Our self-service advanced analytics give you easier access to your overlooked time series data, and help everyone in your organization tap into, communicate and understand insights. You can now take action to accelerate business outcomes and sustainability goals.

Software that can upgrade entire industries.
Seeq is transforming the way manufacturers discover opportunities in their time series data. By connecting multiple data sources in one place, Seeq can help spark powerful insights, and speed decisions to improve production outcomes. No matter what process industry you’re in, Seeq can help maximize ROI, and better navigate workforce empowerment, sustainability and digital transformation initiatives.
No matter what your role is, Seeq empowers you to make things better.
Whether you're an Engineer, Head of IT, Operations Manager, Data Scientist or CEO, Seeq can help you unlock powerful solutions to improve your organization. Read more to learn how Seeq can benefit you in your role.

Move towards IOT and sustainability in leaps and bounds (instead of fits and starts).

The Internet of Things: revolutionary technology, or data challenge? How about both. All that connection and communication was supposed to enhance productivity and efficiency. Instead, it’s given companies wildly unmanageable amounts of new data. Seeq was designed to help engineers handle all that data, and make IOT deliver on its promise.

Sustainability guidelines are here to stay. So are shareholders. Seeq helps you satisfy both by finding more streamlined ways to maximize returns while meeting guidelines. The data and insights Seeq unearths are critical to saving profits and mapping out sustainability efforts, so you can be both environmentally and fiscally sound.