Real-Time Production Potential (RTPP) Calculation


For power generation operations, expected power is based on the manufacturer-provided turbine power curve, but the actual power produced may vary due to the age of components, inaccurate anemometers, and turbulence. It can be very difficult to plan operational production with inaccurate data to rely on.


Real-Time Production Potential (RTPP) can easily and rapidly be calculated using Seeq’s Prediction Tool. Trained on a subset of data where the turbine is communicating, producing power, and not curtailed by the grid operator, the tool definitively provides accurate predictions for the expected power of the operation’s assets.


After implementing Seeq’s advanced analytics, significant time is saved in validation and fine-tuning of the RTPP model. More accurate RTPP is reported to the grid operator every 5 minutes, improving the grid operator’s ability to maintain system reliability and balance load.

Calculations & Conditions

  • Value Search
  • Composite Condition
  • Formula
  • Prediction
  • Scatterplot

Data Sources

OSIsoft PI


Composite condition indicating the turbine is unavailable when power is less than 0 and turbine has fault code with stop status and turbine fault code is not categorized as curtailment. Seeq formula to remove periods where the turbine is unavailable and curtailed from the prediction training data set. Further limit the prediction training data set to periods when the site is capable of producing more power, as those situations are when RTPP is more important.

Reporting and Collaboration

  • Resulting model used for reporting to ERCOT